Sunday, November 28

Stuck In The Moment ♥

Hello , bloggers . You know who is this cool , cute and handsome guy ? Ahaa , let me tell you who he is . Haha :) Oke , his name is Choi Min Ho and he has his own group named SHINee . Anyone who loves korean singers and stuff should know him , I guess . Haha . Err , oke . Let me tell you what I did today . I woke up at ten and had my breakfast . Then I watched Christmas movie on HBO , Fred Clause . It was fun watching teevee early in the morning without any interuption , hee ~ After watching teevee , me and my sisters cleaned up the house , as usual . Around three , I turned on my pc and until now I'm still here . Hehe . It was a great day for me for not going anywhere as the weather is kinda cool today . Planning to hangout this week but I'm not sure wether my mom is free to send me or not . Btw , my cousins and I plan to go to Sunway Lagoon this Tuesday or Wednesday . Hopefully we'll go . Haha :) I think that's all for now , chiao .

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