Saturday, January 1

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year , everyone ! Say goodbye to 2010 and say hello to 2011 . Hello 2011 ! Hehe :D I'll start with my story now .

The smoke from the fireworks . Wee ~

Start :

Went swimming and had so much fun . Swam for about one hour and a half and snapped some photos . Actually I'm not in the mood to take photos though , hehe . After swimming , we went home and and my cousin came by to take my baby kitten , aww , i miss my Baby . Around eight plus , me , my youngest sister , brother and my adopted sis , Kak Zira went to Mydin Subang to support all the artists there . The main point I went there is because of my Erry Putra , hehe :) I'll show you guys what he tweeted to me oke . And I'll tell you guys what i did at Mydin Subang in a short while .

*read from the bottom !

Oke , now I'll tell you what I did at Mydin Subang . Reached there around eight something and luckily it's not crowded cause i'm clasterphobic and after a few minutes standing up , at last we managed to grab some chairs and seat . We did enjoyed ourselves there . Look at some of these photos and I took . I know it's bored to just read without having any photos .

*he's cute <3

 *can't remember her name . sorry .

 *Justin Bieber Malaysia , purple kot <3

 *Azza was right beside of me . Imaan is on the stage , tak malu kot .

 *Sheila kot nme die , hehe .

 *my boy is whispering , hahaha :P

*The new P.Ramlee .

That's all I think . Thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoy reading and looking at those pictures :) Byee .

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