Saturday, January 29

Justin Drew Biebahhh♥

I want a copy of this pamphlet ya'll :)
*he is so freakin' hot .

ARGHHHHHHHHHH . I wanna be there and screaming my lungs out for my one and only boyfiee , JUSTIN DREW BIEBER ♥ I don't even freakin' care if I'll be standing at the pink zone , but but of course I want the RED ZONE ya'll . RED ZONE ! HAHA :D I just don't know how am I supposed to 'pujuk' my mom anymore . Any ideas from you guys ? I guess no huh ? Yeah , I know that . Hmmm :| I just feel like crying , emotional right now . Don't worry , I'm emo but I don't harm you guys , chillax . Oke oke , I wanna share something . I watched all his videos in youtube , I printed all his lyrics , I viewed all his new and old pictures , I listened to his new and old songs and and I downloaded all his new songs . Jyeah , I know I'm obsessed with JUSTIN DREW BIEBAHHH    Any problem with that ? HAHAHA *psycho . I just wanna say 'SIAL je siape yang dapat pegi concert Bieber tu , rase macam nak sepak sepak je muke dia orang kot .' *kidding kidding , jangan marah yee . HAHA :D Oke then , chioas .

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